Thursday 15 October 2009

Dates for filming

I am due to film the opening scene for my video on Wednesday the 21st October. The location of this will be in the courtyard behind my house as shown in the location images in the previous blog posts. This scene will contribute to just over a minute of the 4.30 minutes of the complete song.

On Friday 23rd October i will be filming the rest of the video in Leicester at my brothers student house. This will make up the rest of the duration of the song.

To ensure that accidents are avoided and risks are minimal i have devised a risk assessment list:
Scene one - in my courtyard:
- uneven ground may cause tripping
- open gates increase risk of cars driving in when Connor is walking through them

Scene two - Leicester - in my brothers house:
- steep stairs are easy to fall up/down

Scene two - Leicester - outside my brothers house:
- filming in the road means that cars people are vulnerable to getting hit or run over
- public place, he filming may cause offence to people if they are on film or if the filming process interferes with them

1 comment:

  1. Anna. Where is your storyboard? Can you add this to your blog so that Mr Ford and myself can see your narrative etc.
