Tuesday 19 January 2010

Sigur Ros influence

Again i have taken examples from Sigur Ro's work to help direct my own cd designs. His album covers all successfully communicate individual thoughts and messages using unique methods of presentation. It is clear that the use of photography is common with in his work, relying on outside locations and the realism that it created by this. It is also apparent that distort effects have been used and alteration of lighting; both these effect implies various things, the dark blurred photo suggests mysterious and depth whereas the lightened photograph of naked men running i think exaggerates the energy and humour conveyed from this idea. The other cover is a simple print which is equally as interesting as this black print reveals little about the character features and the lighter silhouette of trees around the subject provide many areas for peoples interpretation to explore. Personally i interpret this as a men lost in a whole new world.

It is apparent that all of these cd's follow similar conventions in that the image is relied on to capture the attention rather than the artists name. This creative edge suggests that the music follows a similar path, which consequently it does.

These are various edits i have made to my most recent mock of the cd cover, each have be edited only by varying the saturation levels. I feel that the change i have made to the text on the last one makes it merge in with the image more than the previous examples, though at the same time it stands out and looks realistic.

I am going to get feed back on these images which will help me come to a conclusion as to which is most preferred and effective.

1 comment:

  1. To make it look like sigur Ros you need to do more to the image. try and think how you could create the feel of looking back in time through the effects which you apply to your CD cover. You need to have some sense of this in your 'campaign'.
