Tuesday 19 January 2010

Latest music video edits

It is apparent that i forgot to post my latest edit on my music video back at the beginning of December, i will post it below as this version includes the lasted filming i did as well as my editing process as i have begun to explore appropriate transitions to help communicate the narrative throughout my video.

This second version is the same video though i had dramatically reduced the saturation on all the clips as i felt something wasn't right in the consistency of lighting and the colours limited the emotion of the narrative.

1 comment:

  1. Anna.

    Some of the editing works and some doesn't. The opening sequence and the bedroom sequence make your film seem like a stalker narrative. You obviously need to address this.

    The walking up the street sequence works well and conveys the retracing footsteps idea. You need to think about how you can emulate this feel throughout.

    With regards mise en scene why have you included a glass of water? Selling your soul to rock and roll makes me think of sex and drugs and rock and roll. Obviously you cant have the first one in your film but alcohol and substance abuse could be hinted at.

    Experiment mixing black and white for flash backs and colour for now. I know it's cliched but it will clear up the narrative division.
