Tuesday 17 November 2009

Magazine advert and cd cover research

As i am in the process of editing my music video i won't post it on the blog until its largely finished. However i will make posts concerning the magazine advert and cd cover. I have already created a post with my initail ideas for a photograph in the background which i will create layers upon it in photoshop to produce the relevant text/information required and layered effects. Since taking my first photograph for this part of the project i have realised that it follows a similar method and energy that is featured in a number of Oasis's albums shown below.

These reflect the urban location/lifestyle and present the band in their truest form as they appear to be performing daily routines such as walking down the road and sat in the lounge. This representation of the band may be a promotional method where the band is represented in a natural form which many people can relate to.

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