Tuesday 17 November 2009

Basic ideas

Initially i liked the photograph below as the background of my CD cover/advert however since editing it and considering how the final piece may look i have come to the conclusion that the red 'stop' sign is too bold and draws away immediate attention to other features within the photograph such as the location and graffiti which all have relevance to the genre. If i were to capture this same image again without the sign i would simply just ensure that the sign wasn't in the frame therefore producing more potencial space for text on the right.

Here i have briefly tried out some ideas of of how to present the texts concerning the cd cover; all the colours used for the text have been extracted from the image itself to prevent a harsh ckash of colours. Next i am going to expeirment with recreating the street signs and using that font to present the artist and name of the album.

I have three compositions ideas for when i take these new photographs:
1. Positioning connor agaginst the wall as he was in the video playing his guitar.
2. The same as above however i would have elodie standing in parralell to connor although against the wall on the other side of the corner so that there is a clear part between the two.
3. Building on the above again, i would position the guitar on the floor leaning agaginst the corner edge of the wall so that it symbolises the music that separates them and prevents them from having a relationship.

Although i will still take a photograph with the original shot featuring the 'stop' sign as the immediate attention provides strong connotations in relation to the narrative of the video. Although the sujects featured may be seen second to the sign the implications of this may work. This may not work however i am willing to try and then decide once i have both side by side. In addition the semiology of the imperitive sign, explains the implications of the 'stop' sign emphasise its power to literally stop the view from seeing anything else and then once the viewers eyes divert and see the remaining image the red connotations are revealed as the narrative in the music video is concluded.

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