Friday 9 October 2009

Latest on filming locations

Today i have spoken to someone based at Beaumont University Halls in Leicester to ask for permission to film on their grounds, at this current time they are contacting security and finding out whether this would be possible or not. I will Confirm an outcome once i know.

However, i have been to my brothers house in Leicester, on Litton road, opposite Victoria Park, where i plan to film the rest of my video throughout his house and the one way streets surrounding it. I have taken basic photographs of the possible rooms in the house which may appear in my music video, please excuse the mess as these photographs are simply to capture the the general shape and location of the building as potential film sets, on the other hand the general appearance within the house is appropriate and not far from the image i would like to create in the final video. The stereotypes that i wish to create in my video are those that are displayed throughout the house such as various items i found including, alcohol, lighters, A LOT of mess, coupons, lads magazines, condoms, guitars and so on; i feel these all help to portray the presence of a male student accommodation.

Below are the photographs which i have uploaded into my flickr account. (i used a Nikon D60 to take these photographs.)

There will be more images to come if i am able to to film at beaumont halls, however if i do not get permission i will have alternative locations where my opening scene will take place.


  1. Anna.

    A possible option for a marketing your band.

    Obviously get a grown up to buy a single bottle of Becks and you can then create an alternative for a magazine advert.

  2. Oh and obviously this links to the dreaming of you video (not as many posters obviously) by the Coral and Oasis' Definitely Maybe album artwork

    Also the Liberteens
