Friday 2 October 2009

Detail of roles

Throughout my video with the exception of the opening scene there are only two main character roles. This consists of a male which represents the character who has written the song lyrics and so the video is to tell his story, he is the main character. In addition i have a female who is the supporting role appearing throughout the majority of the film along side the male, her purpose is the female interest of the male lead as well as servicing the purpose of the male gaze for the male target audience, similarly the lead male role is to appeal to females.

The age i am looking for throughout the cast is 17-20, the reason being that i want to portray a young adult/student atmosphere through their body language, relating to the student based locations and the genre of the music being the indie scene.

For the rest of the cast included in the opening scene the same stereotype applies however due to them only being background features i would ask them to wear what would be a natural dress code to them, where as i would dress the lead male and female role so that they stand out as the main characters.

I am currently recruiting cast members and hoping to begin filming in the next couple of weeks once i have finalised my storyboard and have a full cast.

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