Wednesday 9 September 2009


Mr ford's lesson - 30Th June

Today we have watched a variety of short films and music videos ranging from different genres to provide inspiration and successful examples of mainstream media.

-The royal tenenbaums and Rushmore directed by Wes Anderson

These films fall into the genre of comedy; via stereotypical characters the humour is created for all audiences to relate to - for example the main character in Rushmore, a typical teenager who is very intelligent and classified as a 'geek', however the comic spin of his character in the film is that he is cocky and upfront unlike those typical of being labeled as 'geeks' in high school and familiar with getting bullied.

-Jay-z 99 problems video directed by Mark Romanek

This particular music video separates itself from the majority of videos produced due to the stripped down production of and raw culture that is emphasised through the conventions used. For example the black and white contrast of the film links with the urban setting and connotations of the lyrics. In addition the hand held camera filming throughout appearing to be a technique of low budget filming however in this case it creates energy and the fast pace editing allows more scenes to portray what is being said in the lyrics, finally allowing more coverage of different situations that the audience can relate to.

-Aphex Twin come to daddy and Madonna frozen directed by Chris Cunningham

This music video successfully builds tension with both sound and editing. The high pitched non digectic sound is uncomfortable for the viewer but makes it hard not to watch, as the audience you're aware that sterotypical high and low sounds that are prologed means something is going to happen suddenly, therefore gripping the audience attention whilst making them more disturbed the longer it is strung out. Equally the editing compliments the disfuctional atmosphere that the music builds. The movement of the camera is slow allowing all of the setting to be captured and taken in by the audience however this steady action is broken up with flashes and flickering scenes between the transistions of shots, again making it uncomfortable for the viewer to watch.

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