Wednesday 9 September 2009

Basic outline

genre - the genre of music we have chosen falls into the indie music scene, however we have chosen to follow a comic genre for the music video to create the link between animation and humor, therefore ensuring it is entertaining and maintains the audiences attention throughout.

audience - due to the genre of the band the track will attract audiences aging from young teens through to students and some adults. However the music video may attract the younger audiences such as students and young teens as they are more likely to watch music channels and keep up to date with the download charts etc.

theory - i believe three audience theories apply to my project. firstly the hypodermic needle model, the track itself would be played on radios and the video would be played on music channels and throughout the Internet therefore audiences passively hear or see the track along with other track that they may already be interested in. therefore because the public are exposed to the music through daily activities it widens the original target audience. another theory is the two-step flow which is effect once the hypodermic needle model is put into action because once one person has heard the music they then pass on their opinions to friends and the friends do the same and so the it is passed on by word of mouth again expanding audiences of all ages. finally the uses and gratifications theory, this appropriate because the lyrics of the songs are written while considering what the fan would like to her, similarly lyrics are written as inspiration to audiences which help the fans connect with the band.

aim of video - my aim is to produce a unique music video that targets a gap in the market of music videos, however as all the band members are students it makes sense to create a video that appears to be of a lower budget production which other students and teens can relate to. equally an animation would be more appropriate from teen/student audiences as they may appreciate the humour more. my current thoughts as to how i would create this animation is to perhaps take pictures of settings and props that would feature in the video and create a drawing from it converting it into an animation drawn free hand, however the exception of this would be that i would take photographs of the band and use them as 2d characters throughout so that viewers can see the band members.

aim of CD cover - my aim is to represent the track featured in the music video which would be the debut track. therefore a basic design covering the case would be effective and accomplish all that the video does. this may be a clip taken from the video or similar to make the link and continue the theme. currently i am considering making this as a collage of images draw similar to the video and photographs. i believe this will look different to other Cd's and help to make it stand out.

aim of magazine advertisement - my aim of the advertisement is to capture the attention of the audience belonging to the specific magazine i chose. currently i think NME would be suitable as it features new bands and more often than not features music from the indie scene therefore appropriate for the target audience of the band. i will design the advertisement very similar to the album cover so that there is a clear link.

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