Friday 11 September 2009

Analysing texts

In class we have analysied two texts according to Roland Barthes narrative codes. First we studied the 'Mac vs PC' advert and considered all five codes.

one example on each code taken from my notes:

the action code:
the theme tune throughout this advert is the same melody used for all mac adverts, therefore once the audience hears it begin to play they immediately know that it is an advert for mac products.

the enigma code:
the questions raised between the comparison of the PC and Mac are what are the visual and technical benefits other than imovie.

the semantic code:
the contrast between an attractive supermodel and a rounded man comically dressed as a woman highlights the connotation of the visual benefits of the mac as well their success in their software. The supermodel clearly represents technology with potential that produces much better quality than a PC.

the cultural code:
this includes many elements in the advert such as the age of the men representing the PC and Mac and their general appearance. it is a common interpretation of a male with a side parting and glasses that they are a stereotype of a geek, however a young, recognised actor who is dressed smart/casual would likely be interpreted as a modern geek however reinventing the stereotype into a role model that people may want to follow.

the symbolic code:
this relates closely to my answer for the above as main connotation of the advert is that the Mac is part of the future as it is modern and advanced in technology, where as a PC is the opposite and stuck in the past.

The next text that we analysed was the opening of The Royal Tenenbaums. When anaylsing this we specifically concentrated on the cultural and semantic codes relating the children, although i found that some of my points overlap into both codes. The task was to focus on one of the children and so i chose Margot:

The Royal Tenembaums Essay

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