Thursday 1 October 2009

Post modern media

It is becoming clearer every day that media is becoming a large element of power throughout the world; it is through the media that the most important messages are communicated from anywhere in the world, such as the news and less importantly 'gossip' about celebrities, although the media intelligently adapts this information and conveys messages via different methods which conserquently produce a false world.

Post modernists claim that in a media saturated world that we are exposed to media 24/7 and because of this the difference between reality and the media representations becomes invisable to society, therefore media reality becomes the new reality.

From an artists point of view value judgement is blurred and everything within the industry becomes down to taste. This outcome of this is that anything can be labeled as art and deserves the right to be viewed by an audience.

Because of the distinction between media and reality has collapsed reality is made up of images and representations. This idea relates to Plato's theory of forms; he believed that there werte two worlds, the world of forms and the material word. These were to accomodate his thinking that for every for of a true ojbect in the material world there was a duplicate in the world of forms however this world includes only the concept. Therefore media has created these two worlds of reality and media reality.

I feel that this will apply to the narrative throughout my music video because it portrays a typical relationship where 'boy meets girl' and they fall for each other. Currently in the media relationships are always made to look negative as people are always breaking up/divorcing, being unfaithfull, using people etc. This has formed a negative stereotype for modern relationship and sadly it has produced a 'new reality' proven by only 50% of marriages surviving. As my audience have grown up in this generation along with these stories in the media they can relate to the broken relationship that is revealed towards the end of the video.

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